February 2015

Friday, 27 February 2015

An Idea in the works

Since I seem to forget my ideas and opinions for reviews, I am starting to record my sessions and go over them when I am done.
I will write what I like and add more to it and eventually, after I get some confidence and experience, I may make the video's public and see what happens.
I think this may be a fun thing to do.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Knights of Pen and Paper +1: A Musing

So today, I have been playing Knights of Pen and Paper +1 and I find it to be a very enjoyable game.
(FYI, Not feeling up to formally reviewing it as I only have played about an hour worth and not gotten further than Default village)

Anyway, I found it to be enjoyable and the fact I have to think about what I need and what to do has been refreshing.I also like the pixel style of game play and a few of the pop culture references used in the formula of the actual gameplay itself, Ramona Flowers anyone~

 I also found some of the game lines quite humourous and in sync to what I am like as an RPG player, well more on the whole picking on the fact that a child has me searching for his grandfather and is all like "how'd the hell do I find him when I never met the bastard" but yea, we get the picture.
It's a fun game which is funny and can be quite addictive.
Anyway, I shall cease rambling about what I have decided to play, as a way to make my blog seem minorly active and resume playing and reviewing games between studying and dealing with family.

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Personal Post #2

So in the majestic realm of Mizu, I am updating this blog with my recent loots since I have been very busy with TAFE and lazy with reviews.

So recently, I have moved and have finally settled in and this is my new PC set-up, complete with my small Amiibo collection.

I have to admit, the most colourful area of my room happens to be my bed and it's mainly due to my gaming plushie collection.

 Now, my Bowser figurine has been something I been after for a long time, mainly cause I like Bowser and maybe one day aim for a collection of all things Bowser.

Also, those boosters were not as great as I hoped for but at least my collection has grown in size, which makes me happy.
 Here is one folder of all my pokemon cards, which is somewhat over 1,000 cards and one day, I hope to battle someone with my collection cause it be awesome.

That and my cat was not amused when I paid more attention to my cards instead of my cat, she made sure I noticed her xD

Here is my newest Amiibo, Bowser and soon, I will have Lucina, Charizard and another Bowser to add to my collection. I certainly love cute little interactive figurines like these.

I also got myself Majora's mask SE on the same day, which was a nice little bonus I somewhat forgot about.

Though within a few months I will be getting a few more SE of games that I have been itching for in ages.

Now, I shall slowly go onto reviewing more stuff for all you people to look over.