March 22, 2015
Today on Hour of Power is the Bethesda Softworks and Tango Gameworks game of The Evil Within or Psycho Break in Japan.
This is not your run of the mill Survival Horror, I think it is a bit more than that. It impacts the psychological aspect of the player as well and surely relies on the wit and patience of the player themselves, which use to be an aspect of the Resident evil series, which Shinji Mikami (Director of The Evil Within) also had his hand in helping create. Except I am getting ahead of myself here.
I only played about an hour out of the shown 3.8 due to allowing a friend to try it out due to my higher spec PC, so I will only speak about the first two chapters I have played in regards to this game.
Even before buying this game, I been anxiously awaiting it's relase ever since hearing the Shinji Mikami was going to have a lot to do with it and the fact that this game may even rival that of the original RE series, which as mentioned, he did work on that game series and help make the Survival Horror genre what it is today.
So, back to the game. At first, I was a little put off by how slow it was, yet it was nice, it made things more tedious when it got past the introductory bit, such as character meetings (Joseph Oda, Julie Kidman, Leslie, etc) as well as introducing the basic overview of the game (confronting a deranged being that surpasses the norm). Even with such little information, it is very compelling, you want to know more, you want to know why everyone was killed and why Leslie is warning you of dangers even before they occur. It's all fascinating.
The controls annoy me a bit but I only somewhat return to gaming and I grow a little rusty (unless it's Payday 2, then I am sharp as an ax). Out of all that, I do enjoy the whole sneaking and upgrade system and how to access the upgrading system is very intriguing, yet I am still not very understanding of what happens and how you get there (are you dead or in some sort of dissociative state?)
Just what is happening, what does this all have to do with you and that asylum. So many questions which will have to wait until I game some more hours into this.
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