April 2015

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Hour of Power: Catan

Today on the Hour of Power, we present Catan by United Soft Media and for being a fan of the board game by the same name, the game on steam was such a disappointment.

This is apart of the strategy genre of video games and it really does live up to the name of it's genre. It is based on the board game of the same name and nature, where you roll dice for resources and use them to build up your city and roads in order to win.
Now to begin on why I am not happy with this game.

A few things I found to be problematic is that there was no real tutorial to teach new players how to play the steam version, this even impacts experienced players who is not use to playing the computerised version. So basically in order to get an idea on how to play, you must find it in the option area and remember, it is accessible despite being greyed out.

Another flaw is the two scenarios, they are barely explained and they shove you right in with no explanation and seriously, a little help goes a long way. Then the next problem is that Easy is not really easy at all and it still confusing as hell.
The game is tough to move around in and to understand it. I thought the idea of having tutorials is common sense but some things aren't that common lately.

Another thing I noticed, is that the game has nice graphics but after a while tends to be a tad more annoying due to the extremely bright colours.

I do like the fact that it does take after the game in some aspects but the new additions are not explained and it tends to leave some players questioning it's use.

Now a very honest opinion here, if you played the board game and liked it, don't play this, it is somewhat of a let down, despite the new scenarios and the fact it is on PC. It's not that great.
If you never played it, then go crazy but give the board game a try, it's much better.

I found it stressful, to be honest but I am hoping that multi-player will change my mind.

Saturday, 11 April 2015

International Table Top Day (11/04/15): Mizu Edition

So as most know, it was international table top day and in the spirit of all good gaming and spending a whole day with friends and possibly wanting to murder them all by the end of the day, I participated in a more private gathering of me and five other friends. They are Kyo, Snipes, Nivra, Josh and Philman (yea, steam names ahoy, sorta).

By the end of the day, 5 games were played and none were won by me but I had an amazing day, so that works out nicely.

The day started at 12 and the first game of torture was undertaken by me, Kyo, Philman and Josh. The game was stone age and I possibly came 3rd, which is not bad for me but I can't quite recall. About halfway through the game, a wild Snipes appeared and eventually Nivra, which finished the party of six.
anyway, Stone Age is an interesting game, I played it maybe twice since Philman procured it. Basically, it is a two to four player game that leaves you living in the stone age and the objective of the game is make a thriving community by collecting resources, making tools and huts, breeding and preventing anyone else from getting what they need. The end of game is decided after a pile of huts are finished and the score is tallied for all you did.
If I recall correctly, Philman won closely followed by Kyo.

After that, Snipes indirectly unleashed Munchkin on us and it was chaotic at the last part where most players were on level 9 and vying for that final level, minus the relentless attacks I got and missed victory to only have Kyo and Philman tie first, I am seeing a pattern here...
Munchkin is a simple game where you are entering a dungeon and kicking doors to see what you may get, sometimes helpful things but mostly monsters. This game is basically a fight to see who gets all the riches and glory. In the process you build yourself up with weapons, armour and items, as well as different classes and races, this seems to be a small to large player game, since all six of us could easily play and destroy each others chances at victory.
Sadly, I failed that quest. It was after that, that our party dwindled to 5 with the early departure of Nivra, which was not expected.

After a somewhat long break feat. lunch, we returned to the gaming pit and took on three more games. These games were brought in by me, Nivra and Philman, while the above two were Philman and Snipes additions.

First up being Fresco, which was an interesting game and the first time playing it, I didn't do too bad but I wanted to slap some people after it, to be honest.
Fresco is a one to four player game that leaves you in control of three master artists and five proteges, your job is to paint the chapel by performing one of five tasks. First, you chose a time to work and then in turn of who gets up earliest, each player can perform the following tasks with five proteges, which is buying paint, painting the chapel, paint for money, mix paints and go to theatre. This keeps going till six tiles are left in the chapel which then enters final phase of the game where going to theatre has changed to paint the chapel. Whoever paints the most and has the most wealth tends to win the game.
I believe, yet again, Kyo won closely followed by Snipes... or maybe it's the other way around but it is a fun game and I do recommend people to give it a try.

After that we moved onto a less demanding game and tried out Carcassonne, which was very interesting since the only interaction I had with that game was watching TableTop on youtube by Geek and Sundry.

Basically you build a tile building game which you help develop the landscape of a medieval inspired environment. You place tiles down and try and build up the environment as well as placing meeples in ideal locations to try and build up points to win the game. This game ends when all tiles have been played. Up to five players can play at one given time.

I believe Snipes took the cup on this one, trust me, blue was not losing in the last image but rather overlapping and winning. At least I did not come last, which was great since I was last during most of the game.

Last game of the night was one game I brought with me and has been a favourite of mine since I saw it one time while I was at a game shop in Burwood. This is the game of Tanto Cuore, a two to four player deck building game, but thanks to my expansion, I tend to expand to about five to eight players.
You are the master of the house and your goal is to go to town and purchase more maids that either help your buying chances or for chambering maids to earn more victory points. Each maid is unique and offers useful skills to help you build a deck worthy of victory. there is more than just general maids, there are also private maids which are an on-going ability chambered maid, meaning you can use their ability at any given time and automatically chambered when bought. Down-side to the private maid, you can only have one active.There is also Event cards which can impact players from winning. The aim of the game is two finish two piles of town maids to finish the game. One with the most points wins.
In my game of this, we had no events since Snipes was new to this and deck building it seems and decided to make it a tad easier. I was close to winning but Kyo beat me by 3 points, which made me seem like a bad sport, since I was (for once) keen on winning.

That was basically all I played on Table Top day and I wouldn't have asked for a better day, we finished about 11pm that night. I look forward to the next normal game day and on a side note, my post was retweeted by Geek and Sundry and TableTopDay on twitter.

The last image here is a funny little mistake that Kyo pointed out.
The bottom castle that I started to make and had Snipes somewhat invade, formed a little heart. I thought it was amusingly cute and worth mentioning.

Then again, my symbol for the love of Table Top games but not some of the players, I would so kick them, sorta.

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Fandoms - Resident Evil

So, you must be thinking "Mizu, why the post on fandoms in a gaming blog"
Simple answer, my dear Watson, fandoms exsist everywhere, especially the gaming world.
I bring this to view on the concept that Resident evil HD Remastered came out on the 20th and being a dedicated player to the game, I decided to view comments in the community on steam and what I saw disappointed me.
Reading the titles made me go "No, just no" to reading further into it.
I mean, how could other players dictate who is a 'True Fan' or not, I mean, that is just unfair, especially those who came into the series at a far later time and were unable to play the first few.

Many posts start with "I am the biggest fan" or "I am the number one fan" and really, is there a need for that? I been a huge fan since RE1 (Director's Cut came out the next year) was released back in 1996/7 on the playstation. I am no way the biggest fan but this game is dear to me. After that, everytime a new RE was released, I generally got it in that year and finished it within a few days due to being a young student.

Enough about my personal experience, I can add it in as I go along below.

Now, this part really annoyed me, this post is what triggered this blog entry.

Like JFC, being a 'true fan' in my honest opinion is appreciating a game for what it offers you, as the player and just because it had a major genre change, doesn't make it any less worthy of being under the RE banner and I played many RE games in my time, including the really terrible ones that everyone overlooks, like Survivor, Dead Aim and Outbreak.
Considering the above poster neglected to even mention these side-titles is laughable, considering some were FPS and other's introduced a more action feel to it. This was back in the '00s and they were probably test dummies for the later of the main series.

Now let's take a look at the titles.

Resident Evil came out in 1996, it was the first game to pin Survival Horror on the map of gaming genres, apparently it drew a lot of inspirations from games such as 1989's Sweet Home, this could also be dated back to games like Haunted House in 1982. Later that year, Silent Hill was released and has been somewhat of a competitor of RE. The next year, Directors Cut was released, which only had a few additions and also possibly due to the fact that RE2 was suppose to be released around this time, not only that but it was more extended and had uncensored cutscenes, which is always such a nice bonus. Now, in 2002, they released a GameCube edition of the game which completely revamped everything about the original title, which was exciting for me but apparently, fans felt betrayed and demanded that the creators don't do that again and yet, here we are, at 2015 a HD remaster of the GC version, which saddens me, since I would like to see a revamp version of 2 and 3.
Re was one of the first RE games I ever played on the PS console and introduced me to the horror genre and to this day, I still own my copy of this game, as well as the DC version. It be fair to admit that I have most of the RE game collection.

RE2, one would think that it would be almost exactly after the events of RE but how wrong are you. Trivia Fact; RE2 is set 24hrs after RE3 has taken place but both finish at the same time, amazing ain't it. Anyway, this game was released in 1998, during which it still was the golden child of the Capcom franchise and the leader of the Survival horror genre.

Like with RE4, the Survival Horror was on a decline and FPS or Action is what gamers wanted and for a game to live in a time, it had to change to suit the audience and around this time, new gamers were coming out of the woodworks and this won them into the series. During this time, RE4 had to compete with Devil May Cry 3, Call of Duty, F.E.A.R., God of War, Battlefield and the list can go on and in this industry, you had to keep up or go home.

Another thing I like to point out about one game in particular, which I actually like, which is Operation Raccoon City. Sure it is not the great but I like the alternative view it offered on the whole outbreak and another thing, IT WAS DONE BY ANOTHER COMPANY ALTOGETHER, so Capcom is not fully for the change or alteration for the RE universe, you can somewhat say that it is an AU situation of Resident Evil, which I personally find is a brilliant idea.

You probably wondering why I feel so strongly about this. If you asked which RE is my all time favourite, it would be RE3, since it basically brought in a whole new system and mechanics to the survival horror genre.

In my opinion, you are a true fan to the series if you played 1 or more and enjoyed what it offered, who cares if you never played the original. As long as you left feeling satisfied and happy after playing then you are a fan. That is how my opinion is and I am sorry if it seems off or like a long ramble.
I may write a better one in the future after some research.

Game Review: New Style Boutique

275px-New_Style_Boutique Game: New Style Boutique [PAL Version]
Style Savvy: Trendsetters [NTSC Version]
Wagamama Fashion: Girls Mode Yokubari Sengen [Japanese Version]
Girls Style: Fashion Leader Decolration [Korean Version]
Played on: 3DS
Console: 3DS
Price: $18 - $30
Genre: Simulation
Contains: Fashion Simulator but it seems each version is different, character wise, so I will express what the PAL version has. Excuse the bad images, I used my phone.
You are the main protagonist, new in the big city and you peer into a CB_aOtMUsAE8drOwindow and at a beautifully dressed manequin. The shop owner, Evie spots you and asks if you like to try it, once you open the door for her. This slowly esculates as you somehow manage to get hired by her. Eventually, she leaves and you become the manager of her old Boutique. You take it and make it your own but this is just the beginning of something great.

Mizu's Thoughts
Alright, this game is a great time waster and really has no major plot after you finish the main circuit of Fashion Contests.
so, being a fan of the first game, I took this game on board as it has added in more things that the first one lacked, such as choosing clothes for Men. I enjoy this game cause it gives me something to do at times where I can't dedicate full attention to games.
There is a story but it sorta gets lost amongst the actual game and you forget what you are even doing, besides setting up a successful boutique and entering Fashion Contests.
Basically, you become manager of a store, you make friends with other NPC characters, get involved with their lives and eventually become the best stylist/boutique manager/friend out there. There is no romance from what I have seen, unless you count the NPC's.
The mechanics are simple and relies on paying attention to customers needs and choosing the right thing to say at times. It also relies on the use of touchscreen and that's pretty much it.
The only con is that when choosing certain selections, it can get confusing, cause sometimes you don't see the difference between Chic and Feminine clothing, besides the price tag.
The nice additions to the game would be the ability to dress up Men with their own clothes range. Renovate the store to promote the look of the clothes you offer. New make-up and hair choices for the main character and of course, more clothes and fashion lines for the player to sell and wear.
The Visual is simple and the most detail is spent on the characters which are as unique as the next. Very few look alike but their fashion style and personality sets them apart.
The music, in my opinion, is not that great and can rub the nerves raw after a while, so I usually mute it or listen to my iPod, so I have that variety that the game lacks.
Pros: Great time wasting game, cute fashion and unique.
Cons: The music is annoying as hell and needs the storyline more visible and less buried.
It's a great game, good for those times where you want something to do that is not very time consuming and It's cute and simple. Great for all ages.