International Table Top Day (11/04/15): Mizu Edition
So as most know, it was international table top day and in the spirit of all good gaming and spending a whole day with friends and possibly wanting to murder them all by the end of the day, I participated in a more private gathering of me and five other friends. They are Kyo, Snipes, Nivra, Josh and Philman (yea, steam names ahoy, sorta).
By the end of the day, 5 games were played and none were won by me but I had an amazing day, so that works out nicely.
anyway, Stone Age is an interesting game, I played it maybe twice since Philman procured it. Basically, it is a two to four player game that leaves you living in the stone age and the objective of the game is make a thriving community by collecting resources, making tools and huts, breeding and preventing anyone else from getting what they need. The end of game is decided after a pile of huts are finished and the score is tallied for all you did.
If I recall correctly, Philman won closely followed by Kyo.
Munchkin is a simple game where you are entering a dungeon and kicking doors to see what you may get, sometimes helpful things but mostly monsters. This game is basically a fight to see who gets all the riches and glory. In the process you build yourself up with weapons, armour and items, as well as different classes and races, this seems to be a small to large player game, since all six of us could easily play and destroy each others chances at victory.
Sadly, I failed that quest. It was after that, that our party dwindled to 5 with the early departure of Nivra, which was not expected.
After a somewhat long break feat. lunch, we returned to the gaming pit and took on three more games. These games were brought in by me, Nivra and Philman, while the above two were Philman and Snipes additions.
First up being Fresco, which was an interesting game and the first time playing it, I didn't do too bad but I wanted to slap some people after it, to be honest.
Fresco is a one to four player game that leaves you in control of three master artists and five proteges, your job is to paint the chapel by performing one of five tasks. First, you chose a time to work and then in turn of who gets up earliest, each player can perform the following tasks with five proteges, which is buying paint, painting the chapel, paint for money, mix paints and go to theatre. This keeps going till six tiles are left in the chapel which then enters final phase of the game where going to theatre has changed to paint the chapel. Whoever paints the most and has the most wealth tends to win the game.
I believe, yet again, Kyo won closely followed by Snipes... or maybe it's the other way around but it is a fun game and I do recommend people to give it a try.
I believe Snipes took the cup on this one, trust me, blue was not losing in the last image but rather overlapping and winning. At least I did not come last, which was great since I was last during most of the game.
You are the master of the house and your goal is to go to town and purchase more maids that either help your buying chances or for chambering maids to earn more victory points. Each maid is unique and offers useful skills to help you build a deck worthy of victory. there is more than just general maids, there are also private maids which are an on-going ability chambered maid, meaning you can use their ability at any given time and automatically chambered when bought. Down-side to the private maid, you can only have one active.There is also Event cards which can impact players from winning. The aim of the game is two finish two piles of town maids to finish the game. One with the most points wins.
In my game of this, we had no events since Snipes was new to this and deck building it seems and decided to make it a tad easier. I was close to winning but Kyo beat me by 3 points, which made me seem like a bad sport, since I was (for once) keen on winning.
The last image here is a funny little mistake that Kyo pointed out.
The bottom castle that I started to make and had Snipes somewhat invade, formed a little heart. I thought it was amusingly cute and worth mentioning.
Then again, my symbol for the love of Table Top games but not some of the players, I would so kick them, sorta.
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