September 2015

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

MGSV: Prologue Review

As previously mentioned, I obtained MGSV today.
Sadly, I only played one chapter but here are my thoughts and feelings about the game.
It may not be much but it's a start of a bigger review in the future.

For other views on both merchandise and series, check out my personal post which is here [X]

Ode to MGS, a personal post #5

Today is September 1st, normally not an important day in my calendar but today, it was.

I obtained my first PS4 console and to add a nice bonus to it, my first limited edition console. In my opinion, it is the most gorgeous console I have owned to date. Maybe also my most expensive one, after booting off the PSV and Wii U from the top, even together they just touched the price of the PS4.

Do I regret this? Fuck no, I don't regret it, I just regret getting Destiny during the sales and the free copy of Ground Zeroes being offered on the PSN but no regrets over buying one of the last few gaming creations from Hideo Kojima.

It was just as I was updating MGSV that the thought dawned on me, this is basically the last real MGS game that will be ever created and to be honest, it made me sad, since this universe will be stopping. The stories, the characters, the feeling from playing this game will come to this beautiful conclusion.
Maybe there may be more in the future but it will not be the same as what we have come to learn and love.

I possibly came into the MGS universe very late.

My tale would have started back when MGS2 was released but I thought poorly of the game, mainly cause I was not very good at stealth games or games with a stealth element.
In my opinion, at the time, stealth games scared me if it did not have a god mode cheat to help me. So I avoided them and in turn made me miss out on so many games that were offered at the time. Hence my change in attitude with games these days where I will play all types at least once.
I really prefered games with a lot of shooting, violence and horror, also RPG.
So for many years, I refused to play this game and I regret that a lot. I overlooked a magnificent game cause of the word stealth.
It's sad that this had occurred. As I entered TAFE (college if anything) not long after leaving high school, I made a friend who got one of the few fresh batches of PS3 which. if I recall correctly, came with MGS4, he kept talking about it and finally, I started to pay attention about what he was saying and then after a while, I got bored of listening and asked him to play it.

In the end, I watched him play the whole game and I was wrapped up in it and decided that before the PS2 games died out, to buy the 2nd and 3rd game, which I ended up playing and falling deeper in love with. This is when I found out that if I tried, I was great at stealth. To this day, 2 and 3 are my favourites with The Phantom Pain coming in close to the top and this is me saying this after playing one chapter.

Out of all games I have playing in my life, I only recall two game creators. Shinji Mikami, since I been an RE fan since the first one and Hideo Kojima.
Why is this relevant? These are two creators that I have found to be inspiring and brilliant at what they do.

Now back to MGS and my loot.
Now, as we can tell, I got two of the collectors edition. I have a flawed reason as to why I bought both instead of one or the other.
It's because it's the last MGS game that will be done by Kojima and as a late fan, I wanted to get all the merchandise before I never have the chance. In a way, I see this as a last thank you and farewell, this game has come to mean something to me in the last few years and I want to show how much I support it. Yes, I regret coming late into the series but I will never regret the time and effort (as well as money) into being apart of the fandom.

Anyway, I really love the items the game came with.
The hand is adorable and easily movable into many positions, my first one was sadly, giving the bird but for etiquette sake, I made a V shape for the image and now placed nicely on my desk for me to look at.
The steel case is nice and fits in with my PS4 collection of steel cases. It came with a map, which I may never use but enjoy looking at. Some DLC for both in-game and online.

The piece of resistance in my loot is the PS4.
I found this to be the best thing I could have decided to buy and own.
Despite the minor typo on the console itself, it is still gorgeous. The red is not bright or deep but a nice warm colour, I feel that it is very enticing and makes me feel inspired to game. It still weighs quite a bit and I somewhat struggled carrying it and the other collectors editions items to the car but it was worth it.
It looks like a beast and purrs like a kitten, the controller is nice and simply designed.
Personally, I am glad I waited for buying a PS4, cause this is the type of PS4 I want to own. Something warm but strong, elegant but attractive.
The price was still a bitch but still, no regrets.

The last item was the collectors guide.
I mainly wanted it for the art and information on the last section of the book.
It is a hardcover with an attractive cover and did I mention, it was a simple design? cause it is and it was surprisingly thicker than what I thought. Also, it is weightier than it's standard edition counterpart.

Originally this post was going to be a short "Oh look at my loot" but once I started to type, I couldn't stop.
This is one series I would recommend to any gamer. If you don't like shooters, at least play it for the story, it's something you won't regret.

Maybe in a way, this post is a huge Thank you to Hideo Kojima for making this game and allowing gamers like me to explore his world of espionage and loyalty. I am forever grateful to be able to experience something so amazing in my lifetime.