March 2016

Monday, 14 March 2016

Personal Post #6

So, in my infinite wisdom and despite me saying I never play anything Hatoful again, I went and procured the holiday, remastered game of Hatoful Boyfriend.

I don't know whether it was due to sheer curiousity or sheer stupidity, I got this game on sale and shortly, I will play and give a first impressions of this game. Wish me luck cause I will be needing more than luck if it's anything like the other game of the same title.

On a side note, I shall be attempting to review and write up more things, such as the endings to a certain visual novel but until then, time to play with the pigeons again.

Thursday, 3 March 2016

First Impressions: The Men of Yoshiwara: Kikuya

From the realm of Visual Novels on mobile phones, this game has manage to surface from that realm and made a place on both Vita and Steam.

This game is aimed for romance lovers and the ladies.

Now lets begin the ramblings of this gamer and their first impressions.

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Until Dawn: A short review

I started this game a few days after the initial release.

From what I have played, I can form a mini post about how I think of it. despite this review sitting in draft for a while and me long finishing the game, I will still share a short initial opinion before writing out a full blown review.