Progress Review: Virtue's Last Reward
I was starting to play the game after finding the save bug in the 3DS version.
I manage to progress more further since then and heck, even got a few more endings.
Today I will talk about my game progress and views on each character I have and even share an ending!
So starting from the beginning, You play as Sigma, a character whose personality seems to change from each timeline in the game. I have no personal opinion about him, besides that at times he seems to really irk me and seem very douchey.
Though he is full of puns and cat puns, especially when cats are mentioned and he just slips into it so purrfectly.
Dio, annoys me to no extent, I have yet seen him be a decent character where he has not pissed me off to the extent that I am saying profanity under my breath.
Alice is an okay character but she is very mixed, sometimes she seems really nice and protective, a perfect leader in some cases but other times I want to slap a bitch.
Phi is a mystery but I do like her, I think she plays a major part in the game. Same applies to K as well but they are wearing a heavy armour and could be anyone.
Luna is such a sweety. There is nothing bad to say about her but I am sure she has some secrets but I am getting there to finding out more about her.
Clover is interesting, her personality switches depending on the character she is around. Then again, with her past experiences, she has learnt to adapt to surviving these sort of ordeals.
Quark is um shifty, I don't know why but I don't trust that character. He seems sweet but then again, all kids are to an extent.
Tenmyouji seems familiar but hey seems to have a kindness about him but he is cautious and that is understandable.
Though, I admit that the image to the left is the first ending I ever got when I played and it sorta made me sad.
I do look forward to writing more about this.
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