Thursday, 6 October 2016

Video: Halp! How do I BioShock!?

So recently I have decided to go back to silently streaming/recording videos for my own mild amusement.

Todays video is a four part edition of me playing the remastered BioShock game that I got free off steam, due to having the originalish games previously procured on steam.

I have to admit, that the game looks nice but pretty much feels like I am playing the original game that I am rather use to, which is not a bad thing. I have yet to encounter any problems that other players have expressed while playing the game or I just don't care enough to really notice since I am rather enjoying the game, it's like walking down memory lane and that makes me rather happy as both a person and a gamer.
I am slowly gaining the courage to speak while gaming but until then, enjoy the videos and lets hope I make more to keep this up as a habit.

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Review: Lost Girls [Diary]

Game: Lost Girl's [Diary]
Played on: Steam
Console: PC
Price: $0.00 [Steam]
Genre: Free to Play, Anime, Horror, Visual Novel

Steam Synopsis:
A group of girls are having their vacation, alone. What would a group of girls do on a dark Christmas night? of course, fortunetelling! Unfortunately for them, their boyfriends are not about to leave them alone and their sudden visit ruins their plans for fortune telling, turning it into a scary story. 

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Real Horror Stories Ultimate Edition: A Review

Game: Real Horror Stories Ultimate Edition
Played on: Steam
Console: PC
Price: $1.99 [Steam]
Genre: Indie, Horror, Point and Click

Steam Synopsis:
Urban myths are stories that may or may not have been believed to be true. Unlike most, some are actually based on real events. One of them takes place in a haunted forest, near a cemetery, on the borders of a city, near you. Many consider this place dangerous late at night, because there are things happening that nobody know of or wants to know.

Monday, 14 March 2016

Personal Post #6

So, in my infinite wisdom and despite me saying I never play anything Hatoful again, I went and procured the holiday, remastered game of Hatoful Boyfriend.

I don't know whether it was due to sheer curiousity or sheer stupidity, I got this game on sale and shortly, I will play and give a first impressions of this game. Wish me luck cause I will be needing more than luck if it's anything like the other game of the same title.

On a side note, I shall be attempting to review and write up more things, such as the endings to a certain visual novel but until then, time to play with the pigeons again.

Thursday, 3 March 2016

First Impressions: The Men of Yoshiwara: Kikuya

From the realm of Visual Novels on mobile phones, this game has manage to surface from that realm and made a place on both Vita and Steam.

This game is aimed for romance lovers and the ladies.

Now lets begin the ramblings of this gamer and their first impressions.

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Until Dawn: A short review

I started this game a few days after the initial release.

From what I have played, I can form a mini post about how I think of it. despite this review sitting in draft for a while and me long finishing the game, I will still share a short initial opinion before writing out a full blown review.